“Jali,” derived from the Swahili term for “Care,” embodies our foundational ethos. Driven by the principles of ‘care-ethics’ and its profound impact on fostering peace and development, our initiative is dedicated to preventing both direct and structural violence that affects the well-being of children, adolescent girls, and boys. Through a dynamic process of inclusive dialogue, we cultivate moral values, skills, and competencies that not only underpin positive peace but also nurture a pervasive culture of peace.


In pursuit of comprehensive educational reform, we embrace a coeducational paradigm that celebrates and advocates for the inclusion of all voices. Rejecting traditional philanthropic approaches that sideline the perspectives of those directly affected, our approach encourages active participation and shared ownership without imposing preconceived notions. Every voice matters, and we firmly believe that the integration of diverse perspectives amplifies our understanding of challenges.


Our philosophy extends to empowerment in today’s complex world, emphasizing peaceover hierarchy. True empowerment necessitates equilibrium rather than power shifting. While we fervently support efforts to empower the girl child and challenge detrimental norms and cultural conventions entrenched in patriarchal structures, we equally recognize the importance of nurturing the potential of the boy child. Achieving this transformation requires a collective commitment to unlearn, learn, and relearn, with the larger community playing an integral role. 


In essence, we stand united under the banner of “Jali,” embodying care, understanding, and collaborative action to create a world where peaceful coexistence thrives. 

Lisa Luke Siyame (Founder & Executive Director)
MA in International Peace, Conflicts, and Development Studies and a BA in International Relations

As the founder of JALI, I am driven by an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the welfare of children, nurturing the potential of adolescents, and advocating for improved mental health for all. With years of dedicated work in this critical field, my passion for creating safe, nurturing environments for children and adolescents has been the cornerstone of JALI’s mission.


We believe that every child deserves a protected, thriving childhood, every adolescent should have the tools to navigate life’s challenges, and mental health should be a priority for all. Through our tireless efforts, alongside our dedicated team, we are steadfast in transforming this vision into a tangible reality-one step at a time.

This is how we transform lives at Jali Initiative

Empathy mapping Tool through Storytelling

Empathy mapping Tool through Storytelling

This approach acknowledges that failures in societal systems and institutions can perpetuate vulnerabilities, particularly among marginalized groups. It advocates for inclusive, safe spaces where individuals can trust and share their stories, emphasizing active listening, respect, and actionable change. Furthermore, it highlights the need to isolate points of intervention and understand their implications, such as challenging harmful cultural practices and norms. Ultimately, this approach champions freedom of expression, normalizing dialogue, and confronting oppressive gender norms and cultural practices, thus contributing to a more peaceful and equitable society.

Socio-Ecological Model

Socio-Ecological Model

Each level in the model represents a point of influence and an opportunity for prevention, making it a valuable tool for program planners to focus on prevention activities. By addressing risk factors and enhancing protective factors at each level, strategies can be developed to prevent violence comprehensively. Additionally, this approach promotes self-awareness, psychological safe spaces, and team intelligence in the process of addressing and untangling various forms of violence, ultimately contributing to broader systems change.

Theory of Change and Positive Peace

Theory of Change and Positive Peace

Our NGO translates the theory of peace into practical action, bridging the gap between ideals and real-world impact. We believe that peace is not just an abstract concept but a tangible reality that can be achieved through strategic, on-the-ground efforts. Our approach combines research-driven insights with grassroots initiatives, creating a dynamic synergy that fosters lasting peace, empowers communities through economic opportunities, and promotes sustainable development.


Jali Initiative is a non-governmental organisation that was established in 2019 and focuses on inclusive development targeting children, adolescent girls and boys.


A Tanzanian society that is free from early pregnancies, child violence and gender inequalities.


To advocate for policy change and promote sexual reproductive health, child protection and GBV.


Our core values: Integrity, Compassion, Optimism, Voluntarism